Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The ISTE NETS and Performance Indicators for Teachers

The main reason why I decided to work on integration of technology in the classroom for my master’s program was because I knew I had a lot of growth opportunity in that area. I often feel as if I tiptoe into the technology realm, but never really fully immerse myself into fully integrating technology into my classroom. Also, one of our primary goals as a district is promoting student talk and collaboration. Since this is a goal I am currently working on in all areas of my classroom, I wanted to focus on these goals to better meet the NETS indicators.

The goals I want to focus on are:

Goal #1-

NETS 1.            
Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity, promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes (ISTE, 2012).

GAME goal-

G (goal)- I want to learn how to better utilize Google Forms to promote student reflection.

            A (action)- To learn how to use Google Forms, I will:
·      I go through Atomic Learning to see if there any instructional guides on Google Forms
·       I will look for tutorials on YouTube and other websites.
·      I will practice and create a weekly reflection form for students.

            M (monitor)- To monitor my learning, I will:
·      Check to see if forms actually work, but creating simple forms initially
o   I will adjust my forms as I practice forms
o   I will ask a focus group of students to give feedback about format and give suggestions of any changes.

            E (evaluate)- To evaluate my learning, I will:
·       I will have students evaluate form and analyze their feedback on forms
·       I will then incorporate forms into other content areas and part of the curriculum.
·       I will write a reflection and keep notes through the process to help me evaluate my learning.

Goal #2-

NETS 3.            
Model Digital-Age Work and Learning, collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success
and innovation.

GAME goal-

G (goal) I want to use a wiki to promote collaboration with students, coworkers and parents.

            A (action) To learn how to use wikis, I will:
·       Research different wiki sites available.
·       Practice using these sites to determine which would work for me.
·       Use Atomic Learning to develop skills to using wikis.
·       Do research on how to best use wikis in the classroom.

            M (monitor) To monitor my learning, I will:
·       Do a test wiki with grade level coworkers to experiment with wikis and see how it can promote collaboration and communication.
·       Start with a fun basic wiki about students’ thoughts and feelings about going to outdoor school camp. Invite parents to join conversation as well.
·       Create an assignment for students to collaborate wikis on a research project on ancient worlds.

            E (evaluate) To evaluate my learning, I will:
·       I will have students evaluate wikis and analyze their feedback on Google Form.
·       I will then incorporate wiki into other content areas and part of the curriculum.
·       I will write a reflection and keep notes through the process to help me evaluate my learning.


ISTE (2012, March 6). The ISTE NETS and performance indicators for teachers. Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Libraries/PDFs/NETS_for_Teachers_2008_EN.sflb.ashx


  1. Jill,

    I enjoyed reading your post about how you want to improve your own technology skills. When I first started this program I felt comfortable with my tech ology skills. Now that I have seen a glimpse of what is out there I realize I did not know much at all. I share your interest with your first GAME plan. I have skimmed Google Docs and have an account but I have not had enough experience to share it with my students yet. I like the concept that people can work on the same document but not be in the same place. I know this can work with students but teachers as well. I was thinking about thinking about the end of the year packet coming out soon for our school. We always have to hold faculty meeting for everyone to look over the procedures, add notes, change dates, etc. If the faculty could look at it on Google then we would not waste time and we could do it at a time more convenient for us. This is something I might check into in the next few weeks.

    Your second GAME plan hit me at home. My students created their first wiki this year. We completed small group research on Native Americans and then individual students worked to put information into the class wiki. Then they used the wiki to create a finished product. It was not a perfect lesson but it was exposure. Students loved it and want to do more. It also allowed them to see that wiki sites can be changed by others and that we must compare information with other sites and not solely trust wikis. It was a great experience. I think you have some good ideas to help you build on your own skills while working to give your students more contact to technology. I wish you the best in your practice.

    Judy Spears

  2. Jill,
    It is wonderful and impressive that you sought out this area as a Masters because it is an area you feel you have so much to grow. Are you comfortably using technology in the classroom more regularly?
    I think that your GAME plans sound effective and will help you to meet your goal. I really like your second goal for using wikis. As a kindergarten teacher I have not really thought of a way to effectively use something like a wiki with my students. However, I do think it could be an effective tool for parents (if working with a population that has internet access, which most of my parents do not) or working with colleagues. I really like your ideas of how to monitor this goal and I think starting a very simple and fun wiki with your students about their thoughts of outdoor camp is a great way to get started.
    It sounds like you are taking an active role in learning what you can do to move to the next level with integrating technology into the classroom. Good luck!

    Nicole deMoll

  3. Thanks ladies! Actually, I am known as one of the "techie" teachers at school because I do much more with technology than most. I feel I have so much growth potential because technology is ever changing and I feel as if I am always a step behind. I received a tech grant a few years ago and I love all of the equipment and information I received. However, I feel that I often do not use this information and tools as well as I could and should. Just like everyone, I get overwhelmed with grades, curriculum, limited planning time, etc. I rarely have a free minute to get more fluent with everything. What I have done is to let go a bit. Since I work with 6th graders, I often send them some links or introduce them to a program and then let them explore and share with each other how to do stuff. I think I learn more this way than any other way. Not only has this strategy saved me countless hours of becoming an expert on something, but it also empowers the students and keeps them more engaged and focused. I know this is not necessarily 100% possible in the younger grades, but I think it can be done in a controlled setting. I do this with my own children (ages 9, 7, and 5) and they navigate through sites pretty well. Kids can do a lot more than we think sometimes. What I need to do is let the students help guide me through all of this new technology. :-)

